Yvonne Lentge Body Psychotherapy in Cheshunt, Hertfordshire


I am a qualified Body Psychotherapist practicing in Cheshunt, Hertfordshire (see appointments page). I also offer some appointments via Zoom. I am registered with the UK Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP) and trained at the Cambridge Body Psychotherapy Centre after qualifying as a Biodynamic Massage Therapist at the London Centre for Biodynamic Psychotherapy in 2012. I am also registered with the Association of Biodynamic Massage Therapists (ABMT). 

The holistic approach of body psychotherapy recognises that our thoughts, emotions and sensations are intimately and deeply connected. Body psychotherapy offers a way to explore life's struggles, challenges and experiences from the perspective of a sense of connection and wholeness.

The aim is for you to find your own unique way to access your inner resources as fully as possible at any given moment, helping you to feel supported, nurtured and enriched from within. This can bring a sense of mind, body and soul working more in harmony with one another. The process is supported to unfold at your own pace by the presence of the therapist and the therapeutic relationship.

Following the thread of sensations and images can reveal thoughts and emotions. Likewise following thoughts and emotions can give rise to sensations and images. As we follow these threads of experience with patience and awareness, subtle changes occur, giving rise to new experience, and so the process continues. As experiences previously hidden beneath the level of awareness come into consciousness, we are changed, sometimes in a profound way.

Psychotherapy can help you to discover, understand and integrate your experience of your inner world, enabling you to develop a wider range of choices about how you relate to yourself, other people and the world around you.

I am experienced in helping clients with difficulties in the following areas:

> Anger and negative emotions

> Anxiety, depression and panic attacks

> Autism and ADHD

> BPD, OCD and Bipolar

> Childhood and developmental trauma

> Intergenerational trauma

> Loneliness and isolation

> Pregnancy loss, miscarriage, termination

> Relationships and communication

> Sense of self, identity, culture, sexuality, spirituality

> Stress 

> Work and study



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