Yvonne Lentge Body Psychotherapy in Cheshunt, Hertfordshire

Body Psychotherapy. Hands twisting


Body Psychotherapy is a holistic approach to psychotherapy which works with the person as a whole - mind, body and soul. We will usually start by talking in chairs. Sometimes this continues for the whole session but there are also possibilities to work sitting on the floor, lying on a mat or massage table, standing up or moving around. The way we work will depend on what feels helpful for you at that moment. Together we will explore what best supports you to feel secure & grounded, to take your space, to feel comfortable in your own skin, to feel connected to the world around you and to embody your experience of being who you are with fullness and ease.

The theoretical origins of Body Psychotherapy have many strands. Willhelm Reich, a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, found that working with the body was key to understanding unconscious thoughts and emotions. Gerda Boyesen, a Norwegian physiotherapist also working in psychiatry, developed Biodynamic Massage, a psychotherapeutic form of massage often used in Body Psychotherapy. She went on to develop Biodynamic Psychology. Countless others have contributed and are still contributing their insights and discoveries to this continuously growing and expanding field.

Body Psychotherapy is a UKCP (UK Council for Psychotherapy) accredited psychotherapy. It is a long-term, depth psychotherapy, and will typically take a couple of years or longer to complete. The sessions are 60 minutes each, taking place once a week at the same time and place. The process is designed to be guided by your experience moment to moment and to fully honour your individuality. You are encouraged to express what you find helpful or not helpful, what you like or don't like.


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